General Presentation

The ESSEC MIM (Master in Management) Finance track currently offers more than 20 specialized Finance courses in 6 different options in Cergy or Singapore.

The Finance track is designed for students wishing to pursue job opportunities in all fields of finance, namely Corporate Finance, Financial Markets, Fintech and Assets & Risk Management. It allows students to consolidate their knowledge of the field and prepare for a career in finance.

The ESSEC MiM (Master in Management) Finance track currently offers more than 20 specialized Finance courses in 6 different options in Cergy or Singapore:

In addition to the Finance courses, a list of recommended complementary courses in other areas are eligible for the track (see among the list of eligible courses). 

Note that validating the recommended courses is not necessary for completion of the Finance track.

The validation of the Finance track is conditional upon completion of the “Ethic seminar” / “Séminaire éthique en finance”.

The Finance track can be followed in English or in French.

The Finance track is a program partner of the CFA Institute.